色多多视频APP | High school teachers Experience 色多多视频APP


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High school teachers Experience 色多多视频APP

Teachers from across the province paid a visit to 色多多视频APP recently during their annual convention to find out more about what the college has to offer as part of a project called Experience 色多多视频APP.

The project has seen more than 1,000 Island students on site at 色多多视频APP locations to learn more about the college’s programs. This time it was teachers who received a “behind-the-scenes” tour of the college, learning more about the Heritage Retrofit Carpentry, Bioscience Technology, Music Performance, Paramedicine, Kinesiology, and Practical Nursing programs on the Prince of Wales Campus and the programs offered by The Culinary Institute of Canada in the Tourism and Culinary Centre.

“Any time we can share what student learning looks like at 色多多视频APP is significant. We know teachers are a major influence in their students’ lives and we are confident they will take their experience back and share it with their students,” said 色多多视频APP President, Dr. Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald.

Island educators also learned more about the supports 色多多视频APP has in place to assist students, the internship opportunities that give students practical experience in their chosen field, and the career opportunities available to graduates.

“Today was an example of the great partnership we have with Island schools, teachers, and students,” Dr. MacDonald said. “We look forward to continuing to strengthen that relationship and providing opportunities for more young people to be able to access post-secondary education.”

In this picture: Angela Griffiths, vice-principal at Sommerset Consolidated, accepts a gift card for dinner for two at The Dining Room at The Culinary Institute of Canada from 色多多视频APP President, Dr. Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald during the recent Experience 色多多视频APP teachers’ tour.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Tuesday, November 08, 2022